Saturday, September 26, 2015

Botanical gardens

Felt more jyst like a park with green houses I have been kind of spoild with the others I have seen


  1. Hi Jordan :) as you can see I found your blog and I'm excited to see more pictures of your journey :D
    Today was really nice and I enjoyed it very much. I hope you guys had a good time, too.
    Because we we're talking about Scandal today the website I was telling you about is called "" I reckon it will be in German but you can find Scandal on there. And they even have the new episode up :D
    Anyways, enjoy your time in Europe and if you need any help Adrian and I are happy to help you :)
    Have fun catching up on your series and hope to hear from you soon.
    Take care and get some good rest for the next trips ;)
    best wishes

    1. Yay I am so glad you were able to fimd it :) I had so much fun yesterday it was great to meet you and everyone else. Thank you so much for the wedsite. Yes first thing I did was watch the new Scandal this morning lol.
